American English File2 _ Unit 5C
Some is used in + sentences but any in -
some/any + plurals/uncountables
How many cups do you drink a day/week?
I drank my last cup of the day at 11.
How much time do you spend a day in the sun on vacation?
Men usually don't wear sunscreen.
milk/white/ dark chocolate
on weekends
unhealthy habits/lifestyle
chocolate: [UC]
vegetables, cookies, sweats:[C]
answer to the questionnaire
illness(makes you unwell) like: diabetes: /ˌdaɪ.əˈbiː.t̬əs/
Sun can give you skin cancer.
spending enough time in the sun
sunlight produces vitamin D ( uk: /ˈvɪt.ə.mɪn/ , US: /ˈvaɪ.t̬ə-/ )
immune system /ɪˈmjuːn/
Make happy
get enough sunlight
at midday
Worry about (verb)
stimulate:prompt, motivate
He is better at solving problems.
Make quick decision
Food expert
grape juice
antioxidants: /ˌæn.t̬iˈɑːk.sɪ.dənt/: Protect against illnesses
Heart disease
Chocolate contains a lot of calories /ˈkæl.ɚ.i/
Studies say that....
sitting too much in front of TV may make us stupid.
Science writer
series: /ˈsɪr.iːz/
house: /haʊs/, plural houses: /ˈhaʊ.zɪz/
intellectual: smart:complicated:intelligent
reality shows are not that much smart
What is good about coffee? versus What you need to be careful about?
in common: the same
How are the modern series different from the old ones?
Feel happy
sugary snacks: shirin
gain weight= put on weight , opposite:lose weight
Do not spend too long in the sun.
Have enough free time
Spend too much time online
Spend too much money on things you do not need
Do housework
get too much homework
Grammar: Quantifiers
much money, many books, a lot of[UC], a little[UC], a few[C], a lot of+noun , a lot: end of sentence,